Peter's Comic Book Ramblings

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I love the Walnut Street Theatre. They welcome each new cast by bringing in almost the entire Walnut Street managing/creative/advertisting/etc. staff. And stuffed us with bagels and fruit and pies and all kinds of goodies. The cast is small for 42nd Street. This will be the third time I've performed in this musical, and the fourth I've been involved with (I co-choreographed a version last summer). Of course this show has been a part of my life since 2002 when the ex was on that Nat'l Tour and, later, on Broadway for the remainder of the run.

I know quite a few people in the cast already. Kevin Dietzler from Upper Darby Summerstage in his first professional job, Brandon Rubendall who took lessons with my younger sister Alli, a girl from my first Walnut St. job Singin' in the Rain, another girl who's sortof from the Reading area, and other people that I've done other types of gigs with. It makes me less nervous, and more relaxed and more at home in a sense. Sometimes going into a show cold can be daunting. It's not hard to make friends in the theatre business, but you can also feel like an outsider at times.

Another interesting thing is that the director, the choreographer and the music director have NEVER worked on 42nd Street ever before. That's amazing. And it excites me as well - it means we'll get some new fresh eyes and ideas. We learned the Opening number today and, although it may start "traditionally", it moves to so many other areas - some influenced by the old black and white movie, and others from Mary Jane's experience. It's major fun.

And I have another big announcement - big to me anyway - that I'll talk about once everything is solidified.

All in all - I'm looking forward to a great run.

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