Peter's Comic Book Ramblings

Friday, February 08, 2008


So I came home this Tuesday and my ninja roommate swung down from the ceiling, swung a tornado kick my way and said "You cheated!". Or something like that. Yea. I cheated. BUT! I went back on the cleanse this Tuesday. A little out of guilt, for sure. But honestly? A lot of the reason why I went back was because I wanted to. My body almost wanted to. I felt like I needed to "detox" the weekend away. So since Tuesday, I've been back on the cleanse. I got a little punch drunk Tuesday night - probably because I had tasted food and was craving more (or maybe because I hadn't slept at all the night before). But as soon as I got back on the juice and tea, I was fine. Mind over matter I suppose.

Wednesday was fine. And today, Thursday, as well. I weighed myself. I'm 159lbs. That means I've lost 4 more pounds. Wow. My asthma is better. My medium shirts actually fit. I walked to the Kimmel Center tonite (Fantasticks is running 3 more weekends) and felt energized. Someone even asked if I lost weight. So obviously, it's making a difference.

I'm going to go another day or two and then start to ease myself off - the correct way this time, I promise! The correct way meaning orange juice. Followed by vegetable soup. And then on to healthy eating. I gotta start cooking again, cut back on eating out and definitely go easy on my sweet tooth.

I'm also looking forward to going back on the cleanse - for maybe shorter periods before and/or after a trip - because sometimes I wreck my system whenever I go to conventions: crappy food, lots of drinking, etc.

So see? It can be done without much fuss. It's not for everyone but I'm glad I'm doing it.



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