I was cast in Walnut Street Theatre's
42nd St. Walnut Street Theatre is the oldest theatre in America. It stands alone as the only theatre operating continuously as a theatre since it opened in 1809. That's pretty cool. It's also one of the best regional theatre's in Philadelphia and on the east coast. So I'm looking forward to working there again.
42nd St. runs Nov.7-Jan.7, 2007. It's directed/choreographed by the same people who did Singin' in the Rain, which I was in, back in 2000-2001. I'm excited to be tapping again especially since Mary Jane, the choreographer, seems to be moving away from the traditional Broadway style and is basing her tap-ography on the original movie starring Ruby Keeler. It'll also be nice to be in Philly again on a regular basis. Catch up with old friends and still have time to continue with my new passion - podcasting. Can't give up being a geek. Labels: Theater